Formação Profissional para o Mercado de Trabalho em Angola

  • Portugues
  • Deutsch
  • English
  • 02.11.2012

    Facilitation manual

    Didactics and methodology of good facilitation

    Facilitation manual

    Facilitation means conducting the learning process of a group in a way to ensure every member of the group participates. This approach considers the contributions of all individuals as being valuable. Without each and everyone’s input the whole group would not reach the same good results. It is the role and responsibility of a facilitator to integrate all participants into the discussions and support them to think and act together and learn from each other. That’s why a facilitator needs to know his tools: methodology and techniques of good facilitation.

    This facilitation manual aims to refresh didactics and methodology of a participative facilitation approach. It is available only in Portuguese.

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