Formação Profissional para o Mercado de Trabalho em Angola

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  • 22.11.2013

    Continuous efforts to strengthen Vocational Training in Angola


    With the project GIZ-FormPRO having finalized activities some weeks ago, our partners do not cease their efforts to strengthen Vocational Training in Angola.
    In late October 2013, MAPTSS organized a National Conference on Labour and Vocational Training. A variety of stakeholders convened to discuss relevant issues, among others the German “Dual System”. This topic was presented by our long-standing partner Dr. Adão Tavira, Deputy Director for VT of the INEFOP.
    Other important outcomes: It was recommended to continue the efforts started within FormPRO and develop more occupational profiles that respond to the needs of the labour market.

    Partner BMZ GIZ MAPESS
    GIZ-FormPro | T 00244 222 391707 | F 00244 222 338453 | |