Formação Profissional para o Mercado de Trabalho em Angola

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  • Publications

    30.01.2013: Role and responsibilities of the German National Institute of Vocational Education & Training (BIBB)
    The document presented highlights role, responsibilities and mandate of the National Institute of Vocational Education & Training (BIBB) in Germany. more
    23.11.2012: National Qualification Framework
    FormPRO has recently added one more publication to its knowledge management series: The paper "National Qualification Framework – What experience has shown". I more
    02.11.2012: Facilitation manual
    Didactics and methodology of good facilitation
    Facilitation means conducting the learning process of a group in a way to ensure every member of the group participates. This approach considers the contributions of all individuals as being valuable. Without each and everyone’s input the whole group would not reach the same good results. It is the role and responsibility of a facilitator to integrate all participants into the discussions and support them to think and act together and learn from each other. That’s why a facilitator needs to know his tools: methodology and techniques of good facilitation. more
    06.09.2012: Vamos Trabalhar – Story of Jesus
    "Vamos Trabalhar – Story of Jesus" is a photo-story that introduces a locksmith, called Jesus. He faces difficulties in completing an extensive job and finds a solution when recruiting and training a young boy from the street. more
    04.09.2012: Vamos Trabalhar – Story of Idalina, a versatile woman
    "Vamos Trabalhar – Story of Idalina, a versatile woman" is a collection of photographs telling the story of a woman, called Idalina, who, together with her husband, learns to plaster a wall. more
    29.06.2012: Finding affordable housing solutions for the urban poor in Africa
    Adding to Knowledge Management
    The right to adequate housing is one of the most important basic human rights, recognised in seminal documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). more
    13.02.2012: Quality Management in TVET
    The purpose of this reader is to provide an easy understandable compilation of selected core information on important issues, topics and recommendations related to Quality Management in TVET. more
    10.02.2012: Baseline Study Viana
    – Report –
    FormPRO carried out a Baseline Study on Vocational Training in Angola which aimed at collecting qualitative and quantitative information to further specify its activities. The study focused on an evaluation of the general satisfaction of the constructing companies in Viana with regard to potential employees trained by the Vocational Training Centres. more
    27.01.2012: Monitoring & Evaluation guide
    FormPRO has recently published a guide on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) which provides an overview of current approaches to M&E and describes how to design M&E systems. It will be the document of reference for implementing the FormPRO monitoring system. more
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